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Pastor Jacob Kornelsen
Senior Pastor
Jacob Kornelsen is the Senior Pastor of Lebenswasser. He has a passion to fulfill the vision and mission for Lebenswasser: to love God and serve people and to lead people to be fully devoted followers of Christ. His goal is to empower leaders to lead with excellence. Jacob and his wife Kristy were part of the group that founded Lebenswasser in 2007 and have led our Children’s Ministry from the beginning. Jacob has been an Elder since 2007 and has served as chairman of the elder board since 2019. Jacob received the calling to lead Lebenswasser in 2020 and took on the responsibility of Senior Pastor in September of the same year. They have 4 children; Cindy & Jacob, Mekayla & Stanton, Alyssa & Steven, and Jordan, and 2 grandchildren.
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